Last term our teacher had a marvelous idea for Room 6. The idea was to make a tree hut. First, we had to bring recycled materials from home. My mom gave me small amounts of recycled materials like ice cream containers, cardboard and an egg tray. The teacher said, “If you do not have enough stuff that you need for your project, you have to come with me”.
We went to the school’s recycling bin and found some more cardboard boxes.
I started cutting the cardboard into the size that I desired for my project. Then I made the base using three very thick wooden off cuts which were heavy so my tree wouldn’t collapse or get blown over in the wind. After that I got a small piece of cardboard. Then I got this thing. I can’t explain it but it felt soft and easy to rip and it was white, like a polystyrene sheet. Then I got a brilliant idea to make a slide. so I got an unreasonably long cardboard pole. Then I cut it in half then glued it to my platform.
I got my ice cream container and a piece of cardboard which I folded in half. I glued them together and this became my swing. I found some black string which I glued on the sides to finish the swing and then I attached it to my hut.
I ended up painting my tree hut mostly blue. I also used a dark pink for the wooden off cuts. In the end my tree hut was successful when I tested it for wind resistance in front of the class fan and also for weight when I put four scissors inside. We all went outside and Mrs Yumul poured water over our huts to see if they were water tight. Mine was successful again.
I enjoyed designing and building my tree hut. It was fun.